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Below you can find a map that shows the entire island with all the levels, paths and dinosaurs. Leave this page if you don't want to get spoiled.


Game path

Game path of new levels

Game path that was cut from the original game

Fresh water bodies

Given the fact that there is still a gap between the end of Jungle Road and the beginning of the Canyon level, I might revisit the area later on and create the Plantation. However, when playing the game, the disconnect is not noticeable and will therefore remain untouched until after development has largely finished on all the other areas.


Implementing any other scrapped levels or areas, such as Pine Valley, the great plains, the swamp, a hidden town or the hunter's camp is not currently planned. However, a new level has been added in the place of Pine Valley and comes with a great plain and a swamp, and therefore, although not true to the original blueprints for Trespasser, contains at least some elements of it.

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